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CH battlefield's Caribou Barbie

Sara 7 mos.jpg

Battlefield's Saved by a Kiss x CH On the Hill Break Free with Battlefield

Date of Birth: 06/01/2020  • AKC #: DN63876101 • 16.75" tall

CERF:  Yearly • HSF4: clear • CEA:  clear • PRA: clear  • MDR1: clear  • E Locus: TBA
Hips & Elbows:  Good/Normal • full dentition, scissors bite 

Owned and Bred by Karen Kollmer 

Sara was first named after a song that was running through my head.  Her name fitted her so well.  She reminded me of Mason when born both with a soft face.  As she matured, and do to the political environment the last few years, I renamed her after Sarah Palin.  Sarah Palin has charisma and the spirit that fit Sara so well.  So we registered her as "Battlefield's Caribou Barbie".  Maybe she can meet Sarah Palin some day!  I just couldn't hope for a better girl out of the second cross of Goo and Ariana.  We have Gigi (full sister from the first litter) and now Sara. 

Some breeders say they have the epitome of type.  I can honestly say, and multiple judges have said, she is the epitome of type.  She has an amazing head, movement is incredible,  has the best tem
perament, and born into an amazing pedigree!  Sara is full sister to Gigi, both have exceeded our expectations, and 1/2 sister to Kohl.

Sara was BOSp at the National Championships in Orlando, Florida, December 2021 at a 6 months of age and first show, shown by Jillayne Karras.

March, 2021:  Doswell, Virginia:  WB 4 point major and best of winners twice, shown by Jillayne Karras with me cheering her on!

May, 2021:  Marietta, OH:  Winners' Bitch/Best of Winners on Saturday, and Winners' Bitch on Sunday shown by Brittany Cipriotti. 

June, 2021:  Grayslake, IL:  Reserve Winners' Bitch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday she was Winners' Bitch, Best of Winners, and BOS, AND FRIDAY she was Winners' Bitch, Best of Winners, and Best of Breed, shown by Brittany Cipriotti!

July 1- 2, 2021:  Doswell, VA  Winners' Bitch/Best of Winners/Best Opposite both days finishing her championship.  Thank you Mr. Leipmann and Carrie Chase for awarding Sara!

Sara has retired from showing.  She is now residing with me.  She is not for sale.


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